Course curriculum

This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of organizational grant readiness, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the grant application process effectively. Grant funding is a critical resource for many organizations, and being grant-ready is essential for maximizing opportunities and securing funding. Throughout this course, participants will explore the key components of grant readiness and learn strategies to strengthen their organization's capacity to apply for and manage grants successfully.

    1. Free Preview

    2. Welcome

    3. Notes Page

    1. Introduction

    1. Organizational Signs

    1. Grant Research & Planning Signs

    1. Grant Management Signs

    1. Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 10 lessons

Course Objectives

  • Identify and understand the basic key elements of grant readiness, including organizational, financial, program/service, grant research and planning, grant writing, and grant management signs.

  • Evaluate organizational signs of grant readiness, such as mission alignment, leadership stability, and staff capacity, to assess an organization's preparedness to pursue and manage grants effectively.

  • Analyze financial signs of grant readiness, including fiscal stability, diversified funding sources, and financial management systems, to determine an organization's financial capacity to secure and manage grants.

  • Examine program/service signs of grant readiness, such as clear program objectives, demonstrated impact, and sustainability plans, to evaluate an organization's readiness to develop grant-funded programs/services.

  • Explore grant research and planning signs of grant readiness, including effective prospect research, strategic alignment with funding opportunities, and a comprehensive grant development plan, to assess an organization's preparedness to identify and pursue relevant grant opportunities.

  • Assess grant writing signs of grant readiness, including strong proposal writing skills, compelling storytelling, and adherence to funder guidelines, to determine an organization's ability to submit competitive grant applications.riting

  • Evaluate grant management signs of grant readiness, including effective grant tracking systems, compliance with reporting requirements, and capacity for program evaluation, to determine an organization's readiness to successfully manage awarded grants.


Pat Duboise

Grants Associate

Patricia Duboise, MBA, GPC, is a grants associate with Boyd Grants and has more than 20 years of grantsmanship experience in the areas of health, human services, and the arts. Patricia is a graduate of Georgia State University, first in 1984 with a Bachelor of Arts, and again in 1994 with a Masters in Business Administration. She is an active member of both the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) and the Georgia Grant Professionals Association (GGPA). In addition to being a current Chair of the GPA Mentor Match Committee, she is an active participant in the Mentor Match Program, providing guidance, insight and inspiration to newer grant professionals. Patricia is also part of a team of grant professionals committed to researching and providing viable solutions to the issue of burnout within the grant profession. Known as the Healthy Grant Pro Team, the group has presented to GPA Chapters across the country and at GPA’s National Conference, and has published an article in the 2021 edition of the GPA Journal.

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