Course curriculum

Just like so many other aspects of grant writing, using a logic model helps both your team and your potential funder understand your project much better. That’s why we always recommend including a logic model in a grant application. But what is a logic model? It’s a graph or flow chart-style visual representation that communicates how your proposed program will work.

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    1. Logic Models

    2. Logic Models Quiz

    3. Logic Models Template

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About this course

  • $45.00
  • 7 lessons

Course Objectives

  • Understand the importance and benefits of using logic models in program planning.

  • Explore the components of logic models, specifically focusing on the Kellogg Foundation Model and the United Way Model.

  • Differentiate between activities, inputs, outputs, and outcomes within the context of logic models.

  • Define the concept of a goal and its role within logic models.

  • Analyze the stages of logic models and identify the type of evaluation conducted at each stage.

  • Identify various measurement tools used to assess program outcomes and outputs.

  • Develop skills in creating a logic model to independently construct a logic model for a given scenario or project.

  • Reflect on the significance of logic models in facilitating comprehensive program planning and evaluation processes.


Rachel Cagle

Grants Associate

Holding a BSFCS degree in Journalism from the University of Georgia with Master’s work in Public Administration from GC&SU, Cagle is a writer with an analytical mind. While she claims wizardry in technology, she thoroughly enjoys analyzing RFPs, and researching programs, while sussing the finite, granular details. Her talents shine, though, when it comes to writing and editing grant proposals. With a flair for words, and a love for making the world better, her passion is contagious.

Rachel Cagle

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