Course curriculum

The Grants Management Strategic Planning Course provides a high overview of internal controls that clients and organizations should consider in their pre-award planning. The topics discussed throughout the presentation appear to have a recurring theme of uncertainty and clarity among many of the clients that we have served. The presentation reviews donor expectations, internal controls, identifying gaps, reporting, timelines, impact, and closeout. These key elements help to guide policies, laws, regulations, transparency, requirements, rules, and standards all of which are part of the Federal Uniform Guidelines for Federal grants (2 CFR 200). While these standards are mandatory for federal funded grants all grants should consider following these guidelines as a good practice of governance. Insufficieny in these areas can affect your entire grant process causing you to lose out on possible future funding. This course is designed with the intent to share key elements of the grant cycle aiding in a successful closeout phase with transparent reporting protecting the client from waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement. SMART goals are key and should be maintained throughout the entire grant cycle.

    1. Welcome

    2. Notes Page

    1. Grants Management - Strategic Planning After the Award

    1. Quiz

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 5 lessons

Course Objectives

Understanding Post-Grant Realities

  • Recognize common misconceptions about grant funding, such as the belief that it equates to "free money" without obligations.

  • Acknowledge the responsibility, work, and potential return associated with grant funding.

Internal Controls and Team Alignment

  • Establish internal controls to ensure accountability and compliance with grant requirements.

  • Introduce the grant team and define roles and responsibilities for effective project management.

Strategic Launch Planning

  • Develop a plan for strategically launching grant-funded initiatives.

  • Understand the scope of work, including goals, deadlines, targets, and milestones.

Budget Alignment and Gap Identification

  • Align the grant budget with the scope of work to ensure financial accountability.

  • Identify and address gaps between the budget and project requirements.

Reporting and Timelines

  • Establish reporting procedures and timelines to meet donor expectations.

  • Define key metrics and data software for tracking project impact and outcomes.

Impact Assessment and Future Funding

  • Evaluate the impact of grant-funded projects through outcomes and measurements.

  • Explore opportunities for securing future funding based on project success and data analysis.

Final Closeout Procedures

  • Understand the requirements for final reporting and closeout deliverables.

  • Prepare narrative, data, and budget summaries for the final closeout process.

Strategic Planning for Sustainability

  • Develop strategies for sustaining project outcomes beyond the grant period.

  • Plan for long-term impact and continued success after the grant funding concludes.


Lytrenda Moore

Grants Associate

Lytrenda Moore is passionate about fostering a positive culture of teamwork and communication to help organizations reach their goals. Years of organizational leadership experience and successes in grant development, grant management and program management provide a wide range of effective skills to move programs to the next level. Her unique abilities to research, understand and explain services, including utilization and market data, have led her decisions as business director to analyze methodologies, establish policies and procedures to help organizations achieve their vision for expansion of programs. Her graduate degree, Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy from Abilene Christian University provides the background for effective communication and support for organizations that want to move forward using positive teamwork to achieve results that matter.

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