Course curriculum

The Request for Proposal (or RFP) contains everything you need to know as a potential applicant for a grant, from the submission guidelines and deadline to a grant maker’s priorities and contact information. In this course, we will discuss the sections of an RFP, common steps you should take when reviewing an RFP, assessments and requirements, and best practices for working on an RFP as a team in a timely manner. Our goal is to help you gain skills in how to read and understand an RFP and feel equipped to create a team and work plan to respond to an RFP successfully.

    1. Welcome

    2. Notes Page

    1. Dissecting an RFP

    1. Quiz

    1. Help us Improve...

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 5 lessons

Course Obectives

  • Understanding the Components of an RFP

    • Identify and define the various sections of an RFP. • Recognize the significance of each section in the grant writing process. • Differentiate between essential and supplementary sections within an RFP.

  • Deciphering Basic Information and Eligibility Criteria

    • Interpret eligibility criteria outlined in an RFP. • Determine eligibility for principal investigators and institutions. • Analyze basic information requirements and their importance in the application process.

  • Mastery of Submission Instructions and Agency Experience

    • Comprehend submission guidelines and formatting requirements specified by funding agencies. • Evaluate the significance of agency experience in grant applications. • Apply strategies for effectively addressing submission instructions and agency expectations.

  • Articulating Project Significance and Key Personnel

    • Identify strategies for emphasizing project significance within an RFP. • Define the role of key personnel and their qualifications in the application process. • Construct compelling narratives around project significance and personnel expertise.

  • Understanding Budgetary Information and Evaluation Criteria

    • Interpret budgetary information including cost-sharing, indirect costs, and allowable rates. • Assess evaluation criteria for awarding grants as outlined in an RFP. • Formulate budgetary plans and evaluation strategies aligned with RFP requirements.

  • Developing a Comprehensive Workplan and Checklist

    • Create a checklist and workplan based on RFP requirements. • Assign responsibilities effectively among team members. • Establish timelines and milestones for the grant writing process.

  • Grant Writing as a Collaborative Effort

    • Collaborate effectively within a team for grant writing projects. • Establish ground rules and a clear writing approach within a team setting. • Develop a cohesive one-page solution document to maintain focus and alignment within the team.

  • Efficient Project Management and Time Management

    • Identify project managers and principal investigators for grant projects. • Implement strategies for efficient time management and meeting deadlines. • Create a grant seeking calendar to manage multiple program deadlines and address multiple drafts effectively.


Marissa Wolfe

Grants Development Quality Assurance Specialist

With over 15 years of non-profit experience, Marissa Wolfe’s expertise extends into fund development, organizational leadership, program implementation, and marketing. Most recently, she served as the first Executive Director of Keep US Fed Montgomery County, a food rescue organization. Her previous professional roles included a diverse list of non-profits: Girl Scouts, United Way, parks and recreation, and disability advocacy. She thrives on connecting innovative program models with the strategies and funds to create community impact. Marissa resides in Cypress, Texas with her husband and three children.

Marissa Wolfe

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